Bringing yoga to you and your home or space!
If there is room for a yoga mat, there is room for a yoga practice!
Any practice is a challenge to maintain with our modern busy lifestyles. Discipline and showing up for yourself is KEY! Lets make practicing yoga with Kaylee accessible to you. Custom Tailored Classes available in the intimate comfortable setting of your own home.
Group and individual - Available by appointments only.

Yoga at Downstate Crossfit
Brining the joy of Yoga to Downstate Crossfit in Briarcliff Manor, New York.
Individual Session, Group Sessions and Monlthy Labs. Details coming soon.
For more information about me or my classes, reach out.

Meet Kaylee Utko
She is a fun, passionate, creative, down to earth local Hudson Valley, New Yorker who has been practicing yoga for 10 + years!
She believes yoga is for - EVERY BODY - Offering many options and modifications, while honoring traditional yoga roots, and melding modern techniques and dynamic movement. She strives to make each class accessible to a room of all different bodies and levels. Via alignment cueing, as well as self study of the students sensation and natural anatomy, she hopes to bring you a challenging, playful, calming yet heat building experience.
Kaylee thoroughly enjoys sharing the practice of yoga with all individuals interested in finding movement and/or awareness in both the body and mind.
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My Story
I connected with yoga when I hit a plateau amongst the ebbs and flows of the adventure life can bring us. Fresh out of art school, stuck in an office cubicle, with little to no movement or motivation, burdened by grief, and an expiring Groupon coupon, I stumbled into a hot yoga studio. Though the heat was unbearable, I was intrigued and almost addicted to trying to meld my breath to my movement, my stillness, and my mind. I ventured to try different kinds of yoga, teachers, and resources. On the mat, with quite a bit less heat, I was able to find strength, physically and mentally in a challenging yet accepting and non judgmental way. Through this practice, it has taught me is to be honest with myself, and be present in the here and now. I’ve learned that we have ‘no control’ over most things, except for our reactions.
It's truly amazing what this sync of body and breath, through this movement has brought me on and off the mat. I love what the beautiful practice of yoga has brought to my life and I am eager to make it accessible and share it with individuals seeking to find movement, awareness, and connectivity to themselves and with all.